

Open source

Package {ggbrookings} - Author, maintainer.

Programming skills

R using the tidyverse

Git and GitHub





English: Native

Spanish: Native

Portuguese: Proficient

Data Science Projects

My contributions to the #TidyTuesday project are available on


Made with the R packages pagedown and datadrivencv.

The source code is available on


Manuel Alcalá Kovalski


B.A., Mathematical Economics (minor in Statistics)

University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2019

Philadelphia, PA


  • Relevant coursework: Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Computer Programming, Econometrics, Microeconometrics, Microeconomic theory (Graduate), and Macro-modeling.

Work Experience

Senior Research Assistant

The Brookings Institution
Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy

Washington, D.C.

Current - 2019

  • Authored the official R package for Brookings branded ggplots.
  • Led data science trainings on R package development, data manipulation in R using the Tidyverse, and version control using Git and GitHub for 65+ staff across the entire organization.
  • Developed an R Shiny app which scrapes over 20 economic research websites to centralize information on new working papers. This app is deployed weekly to sort and identify content for the Hutchins Roundup blog since 2019.
  • Created data visualizations used in blog posts, conferences, and internal reports to communicate insights from macroeconomic data in an accessible manner.
  • Produced parametrized reports to break down our fiscal policy forecast by quarterly or annual terms, by federal and state level, and by different time periods during monthly updates to the Fiscal Impact Measure.
  • Automated code testing, linting, and running using CI/CD pipelines.

Summer Undergraduate Minority Research Scholar

Leonard Davis Institute

University of Pennsylvania


  • Analyzed data on 322,264 hospital admissions admissions using logistic regression to undestand how physicians respond to cost-sharing programs.
  • Cleaned and summarized data from a randomized control trial evaluating the effectiveness of data-driven adaptive learning approaches. Presented results in front of peers and senior researchers.

Undergraduate Researcher

Health Management and Policy Department

University of Miami

2018 - 2017

  • Co-authored two peer-reviewed papers published in health services research journals. Cleaned, summarized, visualized, and performed regression analyses for both research papers and reported findings to the principal investigator.
  • Assisted with manuscript preparations by creating tables and writing literature reviews on projects related to health economics.

Academic Articles

Blog Posts

How did post-2008 reforms affect the muni bond market?